All Hazards Recovery Plan: Employer Transportation Demand Management Guide

Many businesses struggled with disruptions to daily operations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and were forced to implement under-developed emergency procedures. As we all continue to adjust to this new normal, it's important to take time to evaluate which processes worked, and where your organization might benefit from more guidance on emergency planning efforts.  

This Employer Transportation Demand Management Guide is one component of a larger All Hazards Recovery Plan, designed to help employers plan for recovery efforts following a hazard event such as an earthquake, flood, or disease outbreak. While this guide focuses on transportation demand management (TDM) strategies, the principles of TDM can provide benefits to an organization through normal operations, as well as prepare employees for nearly any disruption.  

Agencies and businesses can use this guide to fine-tune and adjust the policies and processes recently put into place in response to COVID-19. These strategies can make employers of all sizes more resilient following or during a hazard event, and keep employees working in the weeks or months afterward.